Firesafe Industries

The 9 Most Common Home Services

Do you Want to know the top home services that most homeowners are looking for each year?

Whether it is the lawn needing a fresh cut, the gutters needing a solid cleaning, or the annual chimney sweep before winter – homeowners have a lot on their plate regarding home maintenance. They want to maintain the resale value of their home, but the upkeep can be quite a bit of work for the everyday person.

Put another way -the time, energy, and knowledge involved in maintaining a home can be burdensome for homeowners. However, what does that mean for you if you’re in the service industry? Well, it means an opportunity for your small business!

Below, we share the most common home services people are searching for that can help local small business owners and contractors!

9 Most Common Home Services

Below, you will find a list (Not in order) of some of the most common home services homeowners look for annually!

Whether you already do some of these or if you happen to be in the process of adding a service to your repertoire, this list is for you!

1. Plumbing Services

plumbing home service

Ready for the most common home service call?

If you hadn’t caught on already, plumbing is typically the most commonly used home service when it comes to homeowners needing some help!

Whether it is a leaky faucet or clogged garbage disposal when the water drips – homeowners call like crazy! The following are some of the most common homeowner plumbing problems:

  • Garbage disposal issues
  • Leaky faucet
  • Water Heater issues
  • Clogged drains
  • Frozen pipes
  • Leaky pipes
  • Running toilet

On another note, if you’re a plumber, be sure to let your clients know to never put these types of things down their garbage disposal!

2. Gutter Cleaning

Who knew those leaves piling up each fall around houses would also pile up in a homeowner’s gutter?

Each year, leaves and fall foliage are found just about anywhere – from the home’s entryway to the downspout of a gutter. And when the leaves start to fall, leaves and other debris make their way into gutters. This is when drainage issues can arise!

Homeowners who understand the importance of clean gutters are always quick to grab a ladder (be safe on that ladder) or call a service provider for their annual gutter cleaning. Keep in mind that if you don’t regularly clean your gutters or install gutter guards, you can run the risk of your gutters breaking.

New gutters cost several $1,000, and an easy way to avoid this expense is to clean/inspect them each fall!

3. Paint & Drywall Repairs

Nail pops, cracks, water damage, or an ugly yellow bathroom—you name it—homeowners constantly need painting and drywall services.

Some homeowners might try to patch and repair drywall like this guy.

Typically, most quickly realize patching and mudding drywall is not as easy as the camera makes it seem like! The same can be said when a homeowner decides to paint their kitchen.

It’s only a matter of hours before they wish they called someone!

4. Cleaning

The last thing anyone wants to do on a Friday after a long work week is clean, which is why you see the growth of home cleaning service companies nationwide.

With more and more families spending time at work, children’s activities, and so on – the busy schedules have led to more homeowners who need cleaning.

Most homeowners are looking for someone to clean the interior of their home on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. However, many companies offer as-needed cleaning services, too!

5. Landscaping

Just like cleaning or painting, it’s only a matter of time before filling up a Saturday with yard work becomes tedious.

Numerous landscape companies scatter just about every significant city area,, offering services ranging from weekly mowing to full landscape architecture projects.

As a home service industry provider, I know that landscaping is a niche continuously growing! Landscape companies provide a multitude of services, including:

  1. Lawncare
  2. Shrub & tree trimming
  3. Mulching
  4. Hardscapes
  5. Ornamental landscaping

6. Chimney Sweeps

A typical chimney sweep will cost a homeowner somewhere in the neighborhood $125, according to an Angie’s List article, but it’s worth the cost.

Chimney sweeps are vital to having a safe chimney before burning logs or using a gas fireplace. As the NFPA puts it;

Unclean chimneys are a leading cause of structure fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association, which recommends an annual chimney inspection.

National Fire Protection Association

That being said, in addition to having a clean chimney that is safe for the winter, here is another reason a chimney sweep is vital:

A chimney expert can spot structural damage to a chimney that a typical homeowner may miss.

chimney home service

What might seem like an innocent crack to a chimney’s crown or a slight compromise within the liner of a chimney, can actually be a huge deal!

Similar to not wanting the gutters to get backed up, which can lead to significant water damage to a home, a compromised chimney may need repair or restoration in a hurry.

Chimneys are an item homeowners don’t want to wait around getting repaired or refinished, depending on the chimney’s need.

7. Siding Repairs

A single piece of siding is a pain to replace because it is interconnected with the other pieces in an interlocking fashion. This is typically why homeowners don’t experience just one missing piece – they experience quite a few, and similar to shingles, it is hard for them to replace it independently.

Siding repairs are no easy feat for a homeowner, and they typically need to be done by a professional siding installation company! Without proper siding repairs when needed, they can lead to significant issues such as water damage and more.

Homeowners know the importance of their siding, so it is commonly called for exterior service.

8. Cracked Concrete

Perhaps you have seen some cracked concrete in a driveway, on a sidewalk, or worse… on the foundation of a home. Concrete can crack because of erosion issues, foundational settling, or other complications.

No matter the reason for the cracking concrete, there is only one sure thing—the crack will get bigger in most cases. Sometimes, minor cracks are preventable and manageable with epoxy garage flooring or similar solutions, but significant cracks must be handled quickly.

Depending on the location of the crack, cracked concrete can be caused by various things and need urgent repair or not. It all depends. However, most homeowners are not privy to repairing concrete cracks, so they typically call on this one!

Note: If the cracked concrete is within a chimney, Fireguard is one of the top bets for helping with the crack!

Learn About all of Firesafe Inc’s Chimney products

9. Roofing Repairs

Similar to one piece of missing siding turning into twenty, a missing shingle can lead to many missing shingles in just a few wind storms. While most new roofs have factory and install warranties, depending on the type of shingle or the roof’s age, roof repairs are standard service calls homeowners make.

It’s typically clear when a shingle or two goes missing by the exposed plywood. However, there are instances where homeowners won’t always see missing shingles. If you do, be sure to get a roof repair ASAP!

If you’re an exterior home service provider, encourage homeowners to check their roofs after the winter and each fall with binoculars!

Final Words:

At the end of the day…

Home services are one of the most common small (And big) businesses found in the United States.

Just look around when driving, and you will see pest control vans, trucks, painting companies – you name it – offering various home services.

So if you’re in the home service or commercial construction industry, this article hopefully sheds some light on the top calls about home service requests!

☑️Enjoy what you read. Firesafeinc is a subsidiary of NECS. For more information about chimney supply products, be sure to visit us here!

Ensuring Warmth and Safety: Essential Chimney Safety Precautions

As a leader in chimney manufacturing products, the team here at NECS always wants to provide valuable information regarding your home’s chimney. That includes chimney safety precautions and ideas to make sure your chimney is safe!

Chimneys are not just a functional component of our homes; they also add a touch of charm and warmth. However, ensuring their safety is crucial to prevent potential hazards. Numerous chimney-related accidents occur yearly due to negligence or lack of awareness. To help you enjoy the cozy ambiance without worry, we’ve compiled a list of essential chimney safety precautions.

10 Top Chimney Safety & Maintenance Tips

chimney safety

1. Regular Inspections and Maintenance

One of the most critical aspects of chimney safety is regular inspections and maintenance.

Just like regular roof inspections, HVAC tune-ups, and plumbing maintenance – having your chimney professionally inspected at least once a year can identify issues such as creosote buildup, blockages, or structural damage. These problems can lead to chimney fires or carbon monoxide leaks. Regular cleanings and maintenance will keep your chimney in tip-top condition.

2. Install a Cap and Screen

Chimney caps are essential for keeping out debris, animals, and rain. Installing a cap with a mesh screen also prevents sparks and embers from escaping the chimney and igniting nearby flammable materials. A well-maintained cap and screen act as a first line of defense against potential chimney fires.

Additionally, if a cap and screen can help prevent issues with your home’s roof! If your chimney is poorly maintained or constructed, it can cause issues with your home’s roof system.

3. Use Seasoned and Dry Firewood

Burning dry, seasoned firewood reduces creosote buildup, which can lead to chimney fires. Wet or green wood produces more smoke and releases harmful chemicals into your home. Ensure the wood you burn has adequately been seasoned for at least six months to a year to minimize the risks associated with moisture content. You can reach out to local landscaping companies near you or mulch supplies to see if they have dry firewood!

4. Practice Safe Burning Techniques

Proper fire-building techniques are essential for chimney safety. Use kindling to start the fire and gradually add larger logs. Avoid overloading the fireplace, as this can lead to increased creosote buildup. Use a fire screen to prevent sparks from escaping and landing on flammable surfaces.

5. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced during combustion. It can be lethal if it accumulates in your home. Installing carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your home and near bedrooms can provide early warnings in case of CO leaks from the chimney or other sources.

6. Be Wary of Creosote Buildup

Creosote is a highly flammable substance that accumulates in the chimney over time. Regular chimney cleanings can help remove creosote, but you can also reduce its buildup by using dry wood, avoiding smoldering fires, and maintaining adequate airflow in your fireplace. You can heat your home without running the risk of fire issues by ensuring you don’t have any creosote buildup!

7. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

If you have a wood-burning stove, chimney, or fireplace insert, adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation and maintenance. Why is this important? It ensures you’re using the appliance safely and efficiently. You wouldn’t leave other appliances/systems in your home unkept/maintained – such as your furnace or air conditioner – so why would you do that with your chimney?

If your HVAC system says change the furnace filter every 90 days, you should. Well in the case of any chimney components, it is vital to follow the guidelines put forth by the manufacturer.

8. Keep Flammable Items at a Safe Distance

Flammable materials should be kept well away from the fireplace or wood-burning stove. In other words, don’t keep the old magazines and newspapers nearby! This includes:

  • Furniture,
  • Curtains,
  • Magazines
  • Decorations, and
  • Anything else that could ignite if exposed to sparks or heat.

9. Properly Dispose of Ashes

Allow ashes to cool completely before disposing of them in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid. Keep this container away from flammable materials and structures to prevent accidental fires. Obviously, any homeowner will tell you never to bring the container of ashes inside; always leave it outside, just in case!

10. Create an Escape Plan

Growing up, you always heard, “Stop, drop, and roll.” Nowadays, they have added down and crawl. And while these seem a bit silly as an adult, the reason they were stressed to as kids is so we would know what to do in the event of a fire emergency.

Well, if you have a chimney, it is wise to have an emergency plan in case of a chimney-related emergency. Ensure all family members know how to evacuate safely and where to meet outside the home, including elements of stop, drop, and roll and proper safety in the event of a fire. Having working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers on every floor of your home is vital, too!

The Verdict –

Chimney safety precautions are essential for the well-being of your home and family. While the chances of an issue arising are few and far between, it is better to use regular inspections, proper maintenance, and responsible burning practices to help prevent potential disasters.

By following these guidelines along with the other tips above, you can continue to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of your fireplace while ensuring a safe and cozy environment. Remember that chimney safety should not be taken lightly, as it can make all the difference in preventing accidents and protecting your home.

What Are the Best Chimney Crown Repair Products?

What are the best chimney crown repair products and how do you find them? Chances are, most homeowners might not even notice the crown of their chimney. 

Unless homeowners get on their roofs to clean the gutters, put up Christmas lights, or perform an annual roof inspection (which isn’t likely), the health of their chimneys usually goes unnoticed—which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

However, there are instances where it is pronounced that a chimney needs some TLC, and that is when homeowners start calling. What they usually see – a damaged chimney crown that needs some repair. When this happens, contractors have to decide on the best chimney crown repair product to use. Well, this article should help.

Chimney Crown Repair 101. 

The crown of a chimney acts like an umbrella or roof for the chimney structure and system. Not to be confused with a chimney cap, the chimney crown is the cement “Top” of a chimney. 

The role of the chimney crown is to prevent moisture from entering a chimney. A crown is comprised of cement or concrete, and when properly designed, installed, and maintained, it facilitates water run-off from the top of the chimney down the sides, thus preventing standing water and potential damage from freeze/thaw cycles.

However, there are times when the crown of a chimney needs repair.

Common repair causes include:

  • Cracks in the chimney crown
  • Missing pieces or chunks of concrete
  • Structural integrity is compromised

Some repairs can be simple, such as sealing a crack and resealing the entire crown. Others can be more extensive and require a multitude of things to correct the issue. In this case, choosing and using products that can get the job done and prevent any further issues is important!

[Check out these photos of damaged chimney crowns]

Chimney Crown Repair Products

CrownGuard is your chimney’s first line of defense (literally). 

When the crown of a chimney is in need of repair, CrownGuardHP is one of the top-performing products for both repair and preventative care. Fire Safe Inc’s CrownGuard product helps with all the common issues chimney crowns expierence pertaining to weather.

Highlights of CrownGuard HP:

  • Using a proprietary blend of compounds formulated for permanent adhesion to masonry surfaces, CrownGuard HP is designed specifically to adhere to a chimney crown.
  • The superior bonding properties of the CrownGuard HP product cause the materials to form permanent membranes over the entire surface of the crown, effectively sealing any and all fractures.
  • CrownGuard HP’s rubber-like properties provide a flexible, 100% waterproof seal. This is vital for the hot summer sun and the freeze/thaw cycles that occur in the winter!
More CrownGuard Specs: 
  • CrownGuard HP is the 1st choice of chimney professionals nationwide.
  • Permanent, waterproof membrane.
  • Maintains flexible properties – will not crack.
  • Applies in extreme temperatures (-40 F to +140 F).
  • Service temperature range (-40 F to +250 F).
  • Resists water immediately.
  • Superior ultraviolet resistance.
  • Economical & Simple to reseal
  • Crystal clear & Mildew resistant

Whether the crown of a chimney has cracks that need to be filled with bonding agents or the crown needs resurfacing, using CrownGuard HP to seal the crown will result in a long-lasting chimney crown!

“The best chimney crown repair product out there!”

Examples of CrownGuard Repair:

In the photos below, two chimney crowns have cracks (left) and structural damage (right):

chimney crown repair
Damaged Chimney Crowns

As you can see in the photos above, over time cracks and structural damage to chimney’s crown can lead to bigger issues. The photos below show the crown of a repaired chimney using CrownGuard HP, helping prevent any further damage. 

chimney crown repair product crownguard
After Chimney CrownGuard HP Product Applied!

A key element to always consider when choosing the best crown repair product is the ability to be flexible and withstand a multitude of weather. 

Are you a homeowner who wants to know how much a chimney crown repair costs?

There are numerous factors that play into the cost of repairing a chimney crown. An analogy we like to use is to think of a car repair. Some repairs are simple, such as fixing a crack or resealing the surface, while others can be complicated and laborsome. It is always best practice to make sure you use high-quality material and get a few quotes when looking into repairing your chimney’s crown!

Final Word on Chimney Crown Repairs & Products

The old adage, “You get what you pay for,” is certainly true when it comes to repairing the crown of a chimney with the right products. Similar to how gutters that are installed incorrectly don’t perform – the same can be said for your chimney crown!

An inexperienced contractor who just uses a standard mortar mix to fix a damaged chimney crown is simply putting a bandaid on the problem, and it is only a matter of time before the same issues occur again. Weather such as rain, snow, freeze, and thaw cycles make the crown of a chimney vital to the overall health of a masonry chimney. However, a small crack can lead to an even bigger issue because of the aforementioned weather. 

When moisture enters the chamber of a chimney on your roof, the issues go far beyond just a crown crack. In order to prevent any chimney issues, it’s best to check the crown’s health at least every other year and keep an eye out for cracks. Preventative measures are always the best bet – just like getting a check-up at the doctor to stay healthy, you want to do the same with your chimney. NECS and Fire Safe Industries are leader when it comes to chimney crown products and repairs.

Contactors: CrownGuard HP can be used as a preventative measure for chimney crowns and installed on brand-new or existing chimneys. For more information, use the tap the button below:

Learn More About CrownGuard HP

Innovative Chimney Construction Products: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency

What chimney construction products are known to enhance safety and efficiency in 2023?

Chimneys have been an essential part of architectural design for centuries, serving as conduits for smoke and gases generated by fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, and other heating appliances. While their basic function remains unchanged, the construction and materials used in modern chimney systems have evolved significantly. Today, innovative chimney construction products like FireGuard enhance the safety and efficiency of chimneys when installed.

Today, we will explore some of the cutting-edge products that are revolutionizing chimney construction.

1. Chimney Liners

One of the revolutionary advancements in chimney construction is the use of stainless steel chimney liners. Traditionally, chimneys were constructed using materials like brick and mortar, which over time could develop cracks and deteriorate due to exposure to heat, moisture, and corrosive byproducts.

The revolutionary Guardian Chimney Liner® is the safest and most effective system for relining masonry chimneys. Using the cast-in-place technique, the Guardian chimney liner is not just a chimney liner but also a complete restoration process of the chimney structure.

This translates into increased efficiency, reduced maintenance, and improved safety.

2. Chimney Flue Dampers

Chimney flue dampers are another innovation that enhances the efficiency of chimney systems. These dampers are designed to regulate airflow within the chimney, allowing users to control the fire’s intensity and the fuel consumption rate.

Traditional fireplaces often result in a significant amount of heat loss when not in use, as warm indoor air escapes through the chimney. Flue dampers seal off the chimney when not in use, preventing heat loss and improving energy efficiency. Some modern flue dampers are even automated and can be controlled remotely through smart devices, offering convenience alongside efficiency.

3. Insulated Chimney Blocks

In areas with extreme weather conditions, insulation plays a critical role in maintaining indoor comfort and energy efficiency. Insulated chimney blocks like ChamberGuard have emerged as a solution to minimize heat transfer through the chimney structure. ChamberGuard insulating material is designed to strengthen and restore the smoke chamber in a residential masonry chimney. 

These blocks incorporate insulating materials within their construction, creating a barrier that reduces the loss of heated air to the outdoors. Insulated chimney blocks are a valuable addition to residential and commercial buildings as they contribute to reduced energy consumption, lower utility bills, and a smaller carbon footprint.

>> Learn more here about Chamberguard!

4. Chimney Swift Conservation Products

As urbanization continues to grow, wildlife habitats are often compromised. Chimney swifts, small migratory birds, have traditionally nested in hollow trees but have adapted to using chimneys as nesting sites in urban areas.

Several innovative products have been developed to protect these birds and promote coexistence. Chimney swift conservation products provide safe and suitable nesting spaces within chimneys while preventing debris from obstructing the chimney flue. These products facilitate the conservation of these birds while ensuring that vents remain functional and safe for human use in their homes.

5. Eco-Friendly Chimney Materials

With increasing awareness of environmental sustainability, the construction industry is shifting toward eco-friendly materials. This trend extends to chimney construction as well.

Innovations in sustainable chimney materials include recycled steel, concrete, and natural materials like clay and stone. These materials reduce the environmental impact of chimney construction and offer excellent durability and thermal properties.

Additionally, they can be integrated into various architectural styles, catering to diverse design preferences while promoting sustainability. Similar to how the roofing industry is adjusting shingle options, chimney products are shifting towards a more sustainable future as well.

6. Chimney Height Extension Systems

In situations where chimneys do not provide optimal draft due to inadequate height, chimney height extension systems offer a practical solution. These systems involve adding extensions to existing chimneys to improve draft efficiency. This can be particularly beneficial for ducts located in areas prone to low atmospheric pressure, which can hinder the proper flow of combustion gases.

Chimney height extension systems improve the draft and improve appliance performance, reduce emissions, and enhance safety. Similarly, the crown of your chimney, typically comprised of concrete or cement, is the top or “Lid” of your chimney—the function – your chimney’s first line of defense against water damage. A product often used for this is CrownGuard.

7. Self-Cleaning Chimney Solutions

Regular chimney maintenance is crucial for preventing chimney fires and ensuring proper ventilation. Self-cleaning chimney solutions are designed to reduce the accumulation of creosote—a highly flammable substance that can build up inside chimneys. These innovative products incorporate special liners or mechanisms that minimize creosote buildup by promoting better airflow and combustion.

By reducing the need for frequent manual cleaning, self-cleaning chimney solutions simplify maintenance routines and enhance the safety of chimney systems and the exterior of client homes.

The Verdict –

Chimney construction has come a long way from traditional brick-and-mortar structures.

The introduction of innovative products has significantly improved the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of chimney systems. From stainless steel liners to eco-friendly materials and automated flue dampers, these advancements are reshaping how we design, build, and use chimneys.

As technology and environmental concerns continue to drive innovation, the future of chimney construction holds even more promise for creating functional, efficient, and environmentally responsible heating solutions. Whether it’s enhancing draft efficiency, conserving wildlife habitats, or reducing energy consumption, chimney construction products are pivotal in shaping a more sustainable and comfortable future.

Yet at the same time, providing a reliable, long-lasting and safe product this key. See how Fire Safe is changing the way for chimney products!

Fire Safe Inc is a subsidiary of New England Chimney Supply and is manged by HFE Marketing. To learn more, click here.

8 Christmas Mantel Decorations for Your Fireplace This Year!

Just like that, Thanksgiving is over and now it is almost here… Christmas Time! 

Each year Americans across the country gear up for the largest spending and decorating spree. This includes heading to the garage and unloading numerous containers that house Christmas decorations. 

However, maybe this year you’re looking to change things up. And there is no better way than to consider upgrading your fireplace mantel! 

We decided to scour the internet to find the top eight Christmas mantel decoration ideas for you to consider this year! From modern to simple, elegant to rustic, here are eight of our favorite Christmas mantel decoration themes! 

8 Christmas Mantel Decoration Ideas for 2019!

Thanks to social media, especially the likes of Pinterest, a simple strip of garland and a few stockings on a mantel doesn’t cut it anymore. 

Families are decorating their fireplace mantels with just about every kind of material! Here are eight fireplace mantels that have been decorated for Christmas for you to consider using in your home.


1. Rustic, Yet Modern Christmas Mantel

Photo Credit & Source: Christmas 365

Don’t let this Christmas mantel fool you – though elegant in appearance, it is actually quite simple to replicate this in your home too! 

Simply stop by a local home store and look for wood-based Christmas decorations and plaid Christmas stockings. Use a combination of yellow lights and birdhouses to create your own “Rustic” Christmas mantel. 

While this can go for just about any type of fireplace, if you happen to have dark hardwoods in front of your fireplace this is a really good look to consider. 

Be sure to keep in mind that you don’t need every single decoration from the photo above. A few strips of garland, a wooden sign that says Merry Christmas (You can even make one) and a few rustic looking nutcrackers can do the trick! 

2. Updated Traditional

Photo Credit & Source: Hue+Wit

Love traditional holiday colors?  

This is the perfect mantle for incorporating just that… where the classic wreath and garland come in to play.  Of course, choose pieces that you love to add to the presentation.  

Like vintage nutcracker bowls, because who doesn’t love a nostalgic nutcracker?  Don’t forget the red Christmas stockings!

Consider these:

  • Try stockings that have whimsical letters to add that updated traditional look.  
  • Place garland on top of the mantel and look for white hue lights or basic white lights to add to the garland.
  •  Red ribbon and gold really make the holiday colors pop.  This will make your need for a traditional Christmas look even more modern.  
  • To finish this look, place faux designer presents around the mantel and on the sides.  

Your dream of traditional red and green will come to life! 

Side note: Be sure to exercise fireplace safety when you decorate your mantel!

3. Berry Christmas!

Photo Credit & Source: ELLE DECOR

Here is an idea that is simple and fruity. 

This is an especially great idea if you are tired of using the traditional garland but still want something bright and festive.

Berry branches are a go-to for bringing out the Christmas look! Looking to really spice it up?

Add candles to your mantel and Christmas stockings.  By the way, this could be the most simple Christmas mantel decoration idea!

4. White and Gold

Photo Credit & Source: the spruce

This mantle design is both modern and chic. 

White and gold come together in harmony on this mantel.  The ceramic trees and snowflake garland add a sophisticated feel.  Furthermore, the clean look of white and gold provide a non-traditional ambiance. 

The candles and the mirror are year-round accents… this means you don’t have to clean up as much after the holiday season is over!

5. Old Fashion Festive 

Photo Source: thesweetestoccasion

This mantel gives you all the feels and smells of old fashion smells.  Scents like pine and chestnut associate themselves with golden painted nutcrackers.  Consider these:

  • Homemade or store-bought wreaths 
  • Add red berries to give a pop of color
  • Miniature Christmas trees 

Craft the wreaths and mini trees the way you see fit.  Whatever you do, you will be sure to love the old-timey feel of this Christmas mantel. 

We’re talking about creating a gorgeous holiday mantel, one filled with the smells and sights of Christmas – lined with golden nutcrackers and accented with chestnuts and pine cones!

6. Handmade Decorations

Photo Source: Sustainmycrafthabit

Ornaments don’t deck out this mantel decor idea.  Many of the items in this project are acquired for a cheap price. 

Save money by using wine corks to use for the star. Get a frame and put homemade crafts in the center.  Go to your local dollar store nearby and find some cheap supplies to decorate your mantel!

Things to consider to create your own Christmas mantel decorations include:

  1. Paper towel rolls (Simply cut and bend)
  2. Wine corks
  3. Old bottles
  4. Paint supplies
  5. Burlap
  6. Wreath material

7. Chalkboard Mantel 

Photo Source: findinghomefarms

This is simplicity at its best.  

The chalkboard theme Christmas mantel is all the rave this holiday season.  You can simply place mistletoes around the mantel with elegant candles and chic reindeer. 

Silver ornaments make this simple look even more elegant without the fuss. And the coolest thing about the chalkboard mantel? 

It’s customizable! 

You can write anything you want on the chalkboard – from perfect holiday greetings to the days until Christmas countdowns – this modern mantel decoration is sure to be a hit! 

8. Colorful Mantel

Photo Source: Pocketful of Paint

Looking for something kid-friendly?  Or just simply in a colorful mood this holiday?  

This is the perfect mantel decoration!  This uses non-traditional colors to create the same holiday effect.  

The miniature gingerbread houses really set this look off, giving it a warm Christmas village feel and let’s be honest, it’s fun to look at. Stockings that are modern (not just red and white) can be found at just about any store including Target or Home Goods! 

Final Words:

At the end of the day, whether you decide to decorate your fireplace mantel or not, be sure to take season and enjoy time with loved ones, family and friends.

Use the break to reset and recharge yourself for the New Year and be sure to set some great goals!

When it comes to your fireplace and your home, be sure to use safe mesaures if you happen to be using a traditional wood fireplace when you decorate your mantel!

~From the team here at Firesafe Industries, we want to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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